Monday, February 20, 2012

How Bad Do You Want It? (Success)

Success is a term that often defines the end result of a process. I choose to think that success is a mindset, a lifestyle chosen by an individual.  Eric Thomas, a motivational speaker, (video below) says that we must "desire to be successful as much as we desire to breathe". It must envelop every part of your being, surround you, drown out every negative aspect in your life. Success must become as important to your daily life as the air that supports your living being. Without success you can't function. You can't bear the thought, that at the moment you take a break, that someone is out there working harder than you, passing you by. I can guarantee you that any moment you are not pushing toward your goal there is SOMEONE in this world getting better. Every moment you spend being unproductive is a moment lost to better yourself. You must be able to sacrifice FUN in order to be successful. You may have to miss a party, a social extravaganza, or you may even have to miss a day off.  SACRIFICE is the key to SUCCESS. Pain is a certain byproduct of success, but guess what? Pain is temporary. Pain disappears. Pain is NECESSARY. Fun is also temporary, but "fun" doesn't help you in your quest to be successful. You're going to have to OWN the fact that the pain you feel is a more valuable feeling in life than fun.

You can't put a limit on success because every accomplishment you achieve can be outdone. No record, feat, or accomplishment is unbreakable. Once we limit our expectations of ourselves & limit the effort put forth into a task, we LIMIT the bounds of our success. Furthermore, if the reason you want to be successful is anything other than the gratification of accomplishment, then you are doing it for the wrong reason. You can't pursue success for the gratification of money or fame. Those are not guaranteed rewards of success anyhow. There's nothing in the definition of success that says we will become rich or glorified by others.  Success is in your heart. Success is INTERNAL, not a stat in a record book or a salary figure. Only YOU get the gratification of your success, so don't let outsiders determine the value of what you have accomplished.  Know it in your heart that you've made every effort to succeed. Accept that pain is positive & necessary. Most importantly, breathe success, live success because a successful mindset & a successful lifestyle will lead to a successful destination...

(Eric Thomas is amazing. He provides the narration in this video. You will thoroughly enjoy his story & his delivery of his message.)

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